Avelina D'ior
2015.11.11. 20:41

Alap adatok
Trzsknyvezett neve: Avelina D'ior WR/0306
Trzsknyvi szma: WR-0306-LUS
Nem: Kanca
Szletsi dtum: 2008.06.05.
Fajta: Lusitano
Szn: Cremello
Geno: ee/Aa/CrCr
Tenyszengedly: Nincs
Tenyszetek: -
x Sinnesro Spel
Portal D'ior
Revlez D'ior
Underworld Spot
Demone Amante
Demon's Civilization |
Ghostorage Bee
Ltlevl: Van
Rajtengedly: Van
Kpzse: -
Minstsei: NICE, 3xELITE, PERFECT, BETTER, The Most Beautiful Horse-Head, Nice horse, Best, Best Horse, Nice Other Colored Horse, 3rd Placed of Scandinavian Appearance, Better, IInd in January's King, Best Appearance Horse in Svart Prla's Race, 1st Placed Horse in Simple Appearance Part I., Beautiful, Beautiful Horse in the GP- Horse Raing, 1st Placed in Appearance for Mares, 1st Placed on December Appearance,
sszes eredmnye: 31
Abszolt gyzelmek: 0
Els helyek: 9
Msodik helyek: 7
Harmadik helyek: 10
Egyb helyezsek: 5
1. hely
- Head Appearance : Felnttek {drawtales.gp}
- Sex Pistols Appearance : Johnny {salim-lovasszovetseg.gp}
- Simple Appearance : Kanck {inflames.gp}
- Appearance for Mares {paradoxic.gp}
- III. Fajtakategris Kllem {dvaynes.gp}
- December Appearance {prps.gp}
- Bye Bye 2015 Appearance {lamorte.gp}
- I will be Popular {magicalracepark.gp}
- Open Halter Class: Lusitano {santa-anita.gp}
2. hely
- January's Beauty Kllemverseny : Kanck {patanevelde.gp}
- Colorful Appearance : Egyb {drawtales.gp}
- January's King : Kanck {gh-center.gp}
- Golden Star Big Appearance : Kanck {vhrc.gp}
- Winter Appearance : Kanck {vhrc.gp}
- Breed Category Appearance {patanevelde.gp}
- II. SantaFe Appearance Cup: bright {tulinevelde.gp}
3. hely
- What is your breed? : Lusitano {larohellcenter.gp}
- Salim Pleasure Appearance : Kanca {salim-lovasszovetsg.gp}
- Scandinavian Appearance : Izland {ponyisland.gp}
- I. No Limit Appearance : Kanck {patanevelde.gp}
- Colore Speciale : Egyb klnleges szn {patanevelde.gp}
- Appearance in September {patanevelde.gp}
- TWA Appearance {dvaynes.gp}
- II. Red Doom Appearance - Klnleges fajtk {reddoom.gp}
- Santa Claus Appearance {magicalracepark.gp}
- III. ABC Appearance - Lusitano {patanevelde.gp}
Egyb helyezsek
[ 4. hely ] December's Beauty Kllemverseny : Kanck {patanevelde.gp}
[ 4. hely ] II. New Hope Appearance: Kanck {horsebreeding.gp}
[ 4.hely ] Show Your Head Appearance: oldalrl {privatestable.gp}
[ 5.hely ] My Favourite Bands Competition : Rudimental-Kanck {roe.gp}
[ 5. hely ] II. Unchained Appearance: barokk lovak {drawtales.gp}
